In Memory

Lynn Kinoshita

Lynn Seiko Kinoshita was born November 4, 1954 in California. (Her mother's maiden name was Kusayanagi). She passed away on July 17, 1981 at the age of 26 1/2.

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06/04/09 05:41 PM #1    

Annette Roux (Sister Marie Gabrielle)

I Pray for Lynn "A Prayer for the Forgotten Deceased"

O Merciful God,
take pity on those souls
who have no particular friends and intercessors
to recommend them to You, who,
through length of time are forgotten
by their friends and by all.
Spare them, O Lord,
and remember Your own mercy,
when others forget to appeal to it.
Let not the souls which You have created
be parted from You, their Creator.

May the soul of Lynn and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


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